Tag Archives: beauty tips

What is your perfect colour?

I spent the better half of last Saturday working on a presentation that helps you discover your skin tone for a church project. I actually wasn’t expecting much but it turned out to be quite a hit with the boys and girls alike! I realise that it actually is pretty useful and can totally revolutionise your shopping experience – so I decided to share it here too! (:

Click on this link to get it! How to find the perfect colour for you

Okay, I have to clarify that I did not come up with the pictures/colour swatches but I have the links where you can find them in the last slide. Have fun discovering the perfect colour for your skin tone! Let us know if it came in useful for you, how you used it – you can even use the slides but please let us know what and where you are using it for by leaving a comment! (:

I am a Deep Winter, which is typical for Asians (well, the other half of Asians are probably Deep Autumns anyway) according to the links I checked. These are the colours that work the best for me!

But do note that the list of colours are not exhaustive and you should go out and experiment with different shades because every one’s skin tone is unique – the slides just show the BEST possible colours for you (:

So what’s your season? Do you agree with the colours? Let us know!
